Page name: Asylum: Wolf's Creek [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-05-06 02:53:04
Last author: wolvie
Owner: Ritsuka-Kun
# of watchers: 6
D20: 17
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Username: [Ritsuka-Kun]
Character Name: Misa Nakori
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Race: Human
Affiliation: None
Secret/Fear: She fears her father
History: Starting when she was a little girl about age 7 her father began to abuse her both physically and sexually. 14 yrs later she still lives with the man in fear for her own life. Her father has been known to whore her out to strangers for money for his drug/alcohol addiction. She's has 3 kids from the traumatizing event, but in her mind her father is doing no wrong and wont admit of what he's doing. She blames what happens to her on herself thinking that if she hadnt been a bad girl this wouldnt be happening and that this is the only way her father will love her so she makes up excuse after excuse of why she has bruising and 3 kids with no fathers the whole town thinks she just a common whore.
Other Info: none that i know of
Her 3 kids: Tara Age 7 <img:stuff/aj/49600/babyone.jpg>
Bryce Age 2 <img:stuff/aj/49600/babytwo.jpg>
Sammy 10 months <img:stuff/aj/49600/babythree.jpg>

Username: [Ritsuka-Kun]
Character Name: Gackt Camui
Age: somewhere over 800 yrs old
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Race: Vampire
Affiliation: None
Secret/Fear: Leader of a malicious vampire clan that are essentially assassins for hire killing anyone mercilessly
History: He joined the clan as a lower level vampire quickly rising to the top by assassinating those in his ways. After years and years of killing coldly its become a job for him. He justifies the deaths by saying that those whom he is killing deserves it for some one reason or another that they have a secret to hide. He's adopted the idea of the gylthien's to justify himself. Though it kills him inside to know what he's doing but he cant let anyone know now of what he is in fear that his own life would be sacrificed.
Other Info: [sssshhh for the funny-ness of it XD] He has a boyfriend, Logan [no its not the logan you're thinking of >.>] whom doesnt approve of what he does but understands the rules of Gackt's clan and why he does what he does. [x3]

Username: [Ritsuka-Kun]
Character Name: Sachi Yukio
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bi
Race: Demon
Affiliation: Gylthiens
Secret/Fear: doesnt have one for she is part of the gylthiens
History: She doesnt have one she's been awoken after years of sleep to help the glythiens
Other Info: none that i know of

Username: [wolvie]
Character Name: Frank Banister (i'll come up with a different second character in a min or two :D i know i use frank alot sorry i suck at coming up with my own original people)
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Race: Human
Affiliation: none
Secret/Fear: he fears fire
History: He was on a business vacation two years ago when a drunk threw a lit cigarette butt at his house, everything was burned, his wife, two kids, and pets were all burned to death. Frank believes that it was his fault and that if he would have been home he could have saved them. (will come up with more stuff laters :D)
Other Info: nothin :D

Character Name: Logan
Age: Unknown
Sexuality: Bi
Affiliation: None
Secret/Fear: he fears experimentation and doctor's in general
History (comin when I'm not lazy :D)
Other Info: Mutant (ya'll know his powers :D)
pic to be here eventually :D

Character Name:Lucc
 Race:Unknowen to himself.
 Secret/Fear:He fears the truth being know. His secrets are that he has kill over more than 50 people.
 History:He has had a hard life. Ever since he was 16 everything has went down hill on him. He does what he need to survise. He regets killing but things just happen, but he mosty kills when his alter side kicks in. He cant control when his bad side takes over.
Character Name:Sam
 Secret/Fear:Afarid people will turn from her for what she is. She has stolen many priceless things.
 History:She has moved from town to town. She has lost her parents in a bad car accident. She went to live her grandma at age 10 but at age 17 her grandma passed and she had no one but herself
Animal form--><img:><-Human form

Username: [Tis gone but never gone]
Character Name: Maggie McKay
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
Race: Vampire
Affiliation: Unknown
Secret/Fear: She is scared that her family will find out that she is gay.
History: She lived in Scotland with her mother and father until her father got a job in the USA and so they moved. She a student at college studying dance in the arts.
Other Info: She dresses like a slut XD She smokes and drinks too cause she is a party animal XD

Username: [GlassCasket]
Character Name: Hotsuma Oboro
Age: Unknown Formed when lightning and thunder came into existance
Gender: Male figure of a demon
Sexuality: Straight
Race: Lightning Demon
Affiliation: Loosely affiliated with the Gylthiens, he will help them sometimes but not always.
Secret/Fear: He is the leader of an underground ninja clan called The Blitz. They aren't known to common people but to all underlings and creatons as well as some corrupted officials, their name is most common. His abilities are amazing and unbearable.He has no fear for the Gylthiens took them from him.
 History: He was the son of Thunder and Lightning when their forms were thrust together in the foundation of Earth. The formless void became an active explosive trust of lightning and thunder. Shocks and Shockwaves were thrown about randomly until he tamed them within himself.
 Other Info: Uses a demonically empowered sword, Akujiki. It is filled with Cleopatra, the demon of greed and lust. It can absorb the life essence of any being that can exist in the physical of spiritual realm. It is also imbued with the essence of lightning itself causing massive lightning damage and control. He also uses a gauntlet called Tarkijiki Imbued with the spirit of Thunder. It has the ability to throw sonic booms and destroy matter instantaneously.

back to asylum

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2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna,"yes you did mean that or you wouldn't of said it."

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: Lucc looked around then back ot her. "Your right.I have this fear of.... crimnals breaking into my home."

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna,"Your home? Crimnals? Why would crimnals do that to you?"

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: "I dont know. I... I mean my family and me got robbed when I was young." Lucc thought carefully

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna,"You don't sound so sure about that, Lucc."

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: "I am. Really I am" Lucc defended

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna,"Sure."

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: Lucc nodded with a smile. "Yeah"

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna nodded a little,"If your in troble Lucc, I can help."

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: "Im... Well its not Im in trouble....I dont think anyone can help" Lucc

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna,"Try me."

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: Lucc stepped back again. "I dont know"

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna,"If you act like prey they will act like predators, Lucc." she said softly.

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: "Its not that there is a them but a me." lucc

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna,"How so?"

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: Lucc scratch at his head and thought. "I... cant tell you."

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna,"Why?"

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: Lucc other side felt like it wanted to take control, so again he steps away. "Hummmmmm I am just not safe okay"

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna,"Why are you acting like prey with every step back you take?" she took a steps to him.

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: "Ugh Im not trying to act like prey. Im more of what you would call the predator" Lucc felt his other side slowly gain control

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna,"Really? Then why do you back away from me? A mear women? And I think everyone has a predator side to them. I know I do."

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: "Mine.... ugh please.... I dont want ot hurt anyone" Lucc gringes to his other side trying to show it self.

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna,"Lucc, your not going to hurt anyone,, trust me I won't let you."she said softly to calm him. She slowly put her hand to his arm softly.

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: Lucc pulls away from her touch. "Ugh.... please." Lucc pleaed his he gringes more to his other side.

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna,"Please what?"she frowned as she took another step to him, just to see if would act like prey.

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: Lucc eyes color change to blood shot red almost. "PLease.... dont come closer" Lucc say with his last strenght to stop it.

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna,"Why?"she asked but she still took another step to him. Her body was touching his, she looked up at him and she saw his eyes change.

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: Lucc pushes her away from him ruffly and with one last chance pleaed. "I said please!" Lucc other side then took control.

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna stubbled back then she looked at him,"Now which side of Lucc am I now talking to? The killer or the nice Lucc?"

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: "You tell me" Lucc let out a wicked grin and reached for the gun in his coat pocket.

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna,"Evil Lucc I do beilive." She let her fangs drop and her eyes to turn prue black,"Now hunni I really think you should give up."

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: "Oh what a creature you are" Lucc shot the weapon off at her.

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna smirked as she ducked out the way of the bullet, she croched on the ground and kicked his legs to make him fall down on the ground.

CJ looked over,"Shit!, he held Lilly and Christian's hands tightly."Stay, let you mum handel this."

Christian,"But uncle."


2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: Lucc fell on his back but quickly jumped up and shot at her two times.

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna rolled out the way and kicked the gun out his hand and into the air,"Lilly now!"

Lilly,"Ks!" she yelled as she blinked at the gun and it melted away.

CJ,"Good girl."

Christian put up a force field around himself, Cj and Lilly."Shield is up."

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: Lucc snurled at her and lurched for her, pulling out a hidden blade.

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna,"Nice try Lucc." she moved at vampire speed and grabed the blade off him and snapped it in half.

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: Lucc grew madder every second. "Bitch! I will murder you"

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna,"Love to see you try."she smirked. She ran around him and jumped on his back and put her mouth to his neck,"Drain you dry or just enough to knock you out? Hmmm...what do you think, Lucc?" she chuckles in his ear as she held onto him.

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: Lucc tryed to knock her off him. "GET OFF YOU CREATURE!"

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna,"Hunni I'm a half breed. Half vampire and half witch. Not creature."she licked his neck then she sank her fangs into his neck and drank his blood as she held him tightly.

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: Lucc's body twitched from jerk from under him.

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna drank from him, she waited for him to pass out.

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: Lucc fell to the ground, out cold.

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luan took her fangs out of his neck and licked his neck as she heals it. She got off his back and picked him up and walked back to CJ and her kids.

Chirstian,"You should know how to pick'em, sis."he mubbles while Christian takes down the force field.

Lilly,"Yays! mummy!"she giggles

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: Lucc while out cold his normal form take control again

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna,"Yeah I know. Come lets get home, like now."she ran back home at vampire speed with Lilly and Chrstian at her side.

CJ,"I'll get the car."he called as he walked to the car and got in and drove to Luna's house.

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: Lucc was still out.

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna ran into her house and up to the spare room, she layed Lucc on the bed gently."There ya go."

Christian,"I win!"he said as he jumped on the sofa in the living room.

Lilly,"Nos...fairs."she panted.

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: Lucc moved slightly.

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna sat down on the wing back chair and watched him.

Chirstian,"Is too. Your just slow."

Lilly,"Am not!"

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: Lucc suddenly jerks up and gasps for air. "No!"

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna jumped,"Lucc."she ran to him and sat on the bed,"Your okay."

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: "Oh my head. Wait what... how where?" Lucc was a little confused what happened and where he was.

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna told him.

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: Lucc frowned. "Im so so so sorry. I didnt want that to happen"

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna,"It's fine."

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: Lucc rubed his forhead. "This is why a asked you to go. I cant control this not one bit"

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna,"Hunni I took care of myself."

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: "Im sorry" Lucc repeated running his fingers through his hair.

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna,"it's fine."

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: Lucc frowned. "I probably should go."

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna,"No. I bite you so you need ro rest cause you are looking very pale."

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: Lucc looked at his hands and saw she was right. "Oh yeah I forgot bout that"

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna,"Yep,, so lay back down and relax. I'll get Christian to get you some orange juice."

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: Lucc rubs his eyes. "Bet they dont like me"

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna,"Watch this." she took a deep breath,"HE'S AWAKE!!!!!"

Lilly ran into the room then jumped into the bed and jumped on Lucc and hugged him tightly,"Mes was worried!"

Christian into the room with a glass of orange juise then he put it on the bedaide table,"Feelin better?"

2010-03-06 [wolvie]: Frank gets up, "I'll be right back" he walks to the kitchen to check on Misa

2010-03-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Tara nods watching the cartoons

Misa hums softly as she cooks and looks over "hi frank" she smiles softly

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Maggie sat down at the cafe with Sachi.

2010-03-06 [wolvie]: Frank smiles back, "hi Misa, need somehelp?"

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: Lucc couldnt help but smile. "Worried about me? I little better."

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lilly,"Course mes was, silly."she cuddled him.

Christian,"Good. Now you are under the attack of Lil the hugging monster."he chuckles.

Luna chuckles,"Christian is CJ here yet?"

Christian,"No not yet he's doing damage control."

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: Lucc chuckled then looked to Luna. "Damage control?"

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna,"Some humans saw the fight and thought it was a acttion movie or something but others called the cops. So CJ is doing damage control."

Chirstian,"One of the many reason we are cursed."

Lilly looked at her brother,"We are not cursed!"

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: Lucc nodded. "Ooohhh I see. Cursed?"

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Christian,"Yeah cause of what we are."

Luna,"Christian there is nothing wrong with being a half breed." she looked at Lilly,"Or a three breed."

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: "Your mothers right. THere is nothing wrong with that" Lucc agreed.

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Christian shrugged,"Depends on who you ask."

Lilly,"Chrisy you hate that mes is strong than you."

Luna,"Here we go again."she mubbles.

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: Lucc looked to her. "Again?"

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Christian,"Nu I am strong than you Lil"

Lilly growled,"Nu mes is."



Luna,"Christian go and see if uncle CJ is here, now."

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: Lucc chuckled.

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Christian,"Fine."he walked out the room and down the stairs.

Luna sighed.

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: "So you are like a vampire witch?" Lucc asked

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna,"I am and so is Christian but Lilly is a vampire witch demon."

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: "Oohh." Lucc nods

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lilly,"And uncley CJ is only a witch."

Luna,"Lilly room, now."

Lilly,"Ks."she sighed and teleported to her room.

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: Lucc shook his head when he saw he fanish. "WHoa"

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna,"Yeah she dose that. Alot. Sorry"

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: "Oh." Lucc nods.

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna,"I'll tell her not to teleport in front of you."

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: "No no its okay. I just never seen that before." Lucc

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna nodded,"Okay."

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: Lucc rubs his forehead feeling light headed.

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna,"Here drink some orange juice."she picked up the cup and held it to his lips.

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: Lucc took hold of the cup and drank it down. "Thanks"

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna,"Hey it's the least I could do, after all I did bite you."

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: "What ever a said I didnt mean it" Lucc

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna,"Hunni all you wanted to do is kill me but I'm too smart for that to happen." she chuckles." And it's fine, trust me."

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: "Ugh I hate that side of me." Lucc was remembering what his parents did to him.

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna hugged him,"We all have that side to us."

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: "I dont know where it came from of why its even here" Lucc rubbed the back of his head.

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna sat back,"We all have a dark to us. Even little Lilly has one and so dose Christian."

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: Lucc half smiled

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna,"I swear if Lilly dosen't get the last chocolate bar she gose crazy. She will turn Christian into a duck."she chuckles

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: Lucc chuckled. "A duck"

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna,"Yes, a duck or a pig or a dog."she chuckles

2010-03-06 [ArtworkA]: Lucc laughed. "Wow"

2010-03-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna,"She can be a little madam when she dosen't get her way."

2010-03-07 [ArtworkA]: Lucc layed back some. "She seems so sweet"

2010-03-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna,"Yeah she can be."she smiles

2010-03-07 [ArtworkA]: Lucc looked away thought about leaving once they were ther asleep or out for the day.

2010-03-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna," Stay here until you get better, okay? Cause I took alot of blood, so."

2010-03-07 [ArtworkA]: "Oh okay I will." He lied, thinking bout what he was or what he could do.

2010-03-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna,"And don't lie cause I can read minds."

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa "Not really but if you really wanna help you can"

2010-03-07 [ArtworkA]: Lucc half smiled. "But..."

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Frank smiles, "Well what can I do to help?"

2010-03-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna,"but what?"

2010-03-07 [ArtworkA]: Lucc shook his head. "Nothing. I will stay till I am better"

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa smiled back "well if ya want you can help stir the vegetables in the skillet"

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Frank nods, stirring the vegtables for Misa

2010-03-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna,"If you are worried about hurting the kids, then don't. Lilly will turn you into a puppy and call you fuffy. Or Christian will shrink you and put you into a box."

2010-03-07 [ArtworkA]: Lucc made a funny look. "Puppy? Fluffy?"

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa smiled glancing over at Frank occasionally

2010-03-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna,"Yep. They did that to CJ's lat girlfriend they didn't like."she chukles.

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Frank smiles also, looking at her as well

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa blushed lightly looking quickly at the steak she was cooking

2010-03-07 [ArtworkA]: "Wow. THey must of really not liked her" Lucc

2010-03-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna,"Well she did start it by calling me a slut for being a single mother."

2010-03-07 [ArtworkA]: "Oh. That makes sense. They had every rigth to do that to her then" Lucc

2010-03-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna,"True."

2010-03-07 [ArtworkA]: Lucc had a concerned look on his face. "Lilly can read aruza"

2010-03-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna,"yep she can. It's a little gift she got off her father."

2010-03-07 [ArtworkA]: "SO she see colors around people" Lucc

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Frank smiles softly, "So how old are you?"

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa smiled back "im 21"

2010-03-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna nodded,"Tells her if she can trust people. She's like a little lie dector."

2010-03-07 [ArtworkA]: Lucc nods. "Oh. Thats good"

2010-03-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna nodded,"So thats why I can trust you because of her."

2010-03-07 [ArtworkA]: Lucc rubbed his forehaed. "Me trust worthy"

2010-03-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna,"If Lilly says so then I believe her."

2010-03-07 [ArtworkA]: Lucc half smiled at that. It made him feel less of a killer. "Oh"

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Frank nods, "I'm 27"

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa smiles "you dont look 27"

2010-03-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna nodded and smiled.

2010-03-07 [ArtworkA]: Lucc thinks to himself,about his other side.

2010-03-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna,"I'll get you more juice." she stood up and took the glass and walked out the room.

2010-03-07 [ArtworkA]: Lucc looked about the room and shifed himself to were he sat on the edge of the bed.

2010-03-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luna walked into the kitchen and poured another glass of orange juice.

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Frank smiles back, "is that good or bad?"

2010-03-07 [ArtworkA]: Lucc got up and walked to the nearest window and looked out.

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa giggles "good?"

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Frank smiles, "Well then good"

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa smiled back and nodded "of course"

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Frank, "IS the food don?"

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa smiled making the plates "yea the food is done"

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Frank smiles back, "Awesome loooks great"

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa smiles "lets hope it taste that good"

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Frank, "Pfffft it will"

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa giggles setting the table "if you say so"

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Frank smiles, "That's damned right what I say goes"

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa smiled back and giggled

Tara ran into the kitchen "smells good mommy" she smiles "mommy why does frank have a cute butt?"

Misa blushes furiously.

Sachi chuckled as she wondered what the three were up to

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Frank blushes lightly then chuckles softly, "Well lets eat guys" he says, tryin to change the subject

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Tara giggled and sat down at the table

Misa went and got Sammy and Bryce sitting them in their high chairs

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Frank sits down also and gets himself a plate

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa smiles feeding the boys before she eats

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Frank smiles back, "Awesome food"

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa smiled "thanks"

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Frank smiles back, "Your welcome" he says, trying to sneakilly look down her shirt

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa eeped when sammy threw some food down her shirt "sammy" she giggled as she started getting the food

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Frank smiles, biting his lip a little as he watches her

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa giggles "silly baby" she pokes Sammy's nose

Sammy looks confused for a second then giggles

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Frank smiles, "Uber cute baby"

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa smiled back "yea he is lucky too"

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Frank chuckles, "Whys that?"

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa giggles "only cuties like him get away with throwin stuff down mommy's shirt"

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Frank, "Pfffft I could get away with it two" he says then blushes a little, "Errr I mean...uhhh...shit disregard that"

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa blushes "well yea ya could"

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Frank blushes also but smiles, "Well ummm...awesome dinner Misa"

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa smiled back "thanks"

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Frank nods, "Welcome" he smiles, getting up and startin the dishes

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa smiles back "you dont have to do those i dirtied them"

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Frank, "And you cooked so I can clean"

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa smiled "well i cant complain about that i guess"

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Frank smiles back, "Damned right" he smiles, doin the dishes

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa smiled back getting the sleepy kids to bed

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Frank whistles softly, doin the dishes

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa walked back into the kitchen "at least let me help"

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Frank smiles, "Well alright then if you insist but I'm almost done now"

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa smiles back "define almost done"

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Frank, "I only have two more plates"

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa smiles and stands next to him "I'll help"

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Frank smiles back, scooting over a little for her, "Well ok then"

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa smiles helping with the dishes

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Frank smiles back, "K done"

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa smiles "well good"

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Frank smiles back, "Yea" he dries his hands off

2010-03-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Misa smiles softly then looks around clearly nervous but a good kind of nervous

2010-03-07 [wolvie]: Frank stretches, not really noticing Misa

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